
Autoren : Etterlin, Petermann

Petermann Etterlin, born 1430/40, died ca. 1509, served as a soldier in the 1460s and 1470s, then made a living partly in the wine trade, and from 1476 onwards occupied various civic offices in Lucerne. Between 1505 and 1507 he wrote a chronicle of Switzerland, paying particular attention to Lucerne. The work describes events from the foundation of the monastery of Einsiedeln in 861 to the murder and trial by ordeal at Ettiswil in 1503. Of particular interest are the reports of the military campaigns of 1468-1477, in which Etterlin himself took part. The Chronicle reflects the strengthening of Swiss identity after the Burgundian Wars and is part of the historical tradition which interprets the Swiss Confederation as the result of various wars of liberation. Until the publication of Johannes Stumpf’s work in 1548, Etterlin’s remained the only comprehensive depiction of the history of Switzerland.

Angaben nach Georg Olms Verlag, Dezember 2012

Artikel über Etterlin in literaturkritik de:

Nur ein Coffee table book?.
Zur Faksimileedition von Petermann Etterlins „Kronica von der loblichen Eydtgnoschaft“
Von Klaus Graf
Ausgabe 12-2012

Aktualisiert am 2012-12-17 18:09:22
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