
Autoren : Smith, Elizabeth A. T.

Elizabeth A. T. Smith is James W. Alsdorf Chief Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA), Chicago where she has oversight of the MCA’s collection and exhibition program. Since joining the MCA in 1999 she has curated such exhibitions as Life Death Love Hate Pleasure Pain, a major reinstallation of the MCA’s Collection, as well as Donald Moffett: What Barbara Jordan Wore; Matta in America: Paintings and Drawings of the 1940’s; and Katharina Fritsch. She also co-organized the exhibition Age of Influence: Reflections in the Mirror of American Culture and is currently at work on forthcoming exhibitions of artists Kerry James Marshall and Lee Bontecou and architect Doug Garofalo.

Angaben nach Art Institute of Chicago, Februar 2011

Artikel über Smith in

Sehnsuchtsorte aus Glas und Stahl.
Ein prachtvoller Bildband von Elisabeth A. T. Smith stellt die 36 „Case Study Houses“ vor – ein Wohnungsbauprogramm, das bis heute seinesgleichen sucht
Von André Schwarz
Ausgabe 02-2011

Aktualisiert am 2011-02-16 13:42:32
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